Wednesday 21 April 2010

50 roses

In December I had my 50 birthday and I have got a lot of flowers.
Also my DH spoiled me with 50 beautiful roses and I wasn't able to throw them away when they began to withering.
So I have put them in the basement and have tried to dry them and then I have totally forgotten of them.
Yesterday I was looking for something there and have found the faded roses.
Don't they look gorgeous, also when they are faded??!! Love the antique look and the muted colors. Now I have decorated them again in the living room and I'm very happy with them again.


  1. Der Rosenstrauß sieht traumhaft aus - die Farben sind wunderschön!!!!!
    Da bekommt man sofort das Gefühl von "Guter alter Zeit" ;-)
    Liebe Grüße aus der Nähe von Linz

  2. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..isn't too late for wishes!
    I love the roses, I love yous roses!!
    Ciao Monica

  3. Even dry, they look great! It's also nice to see you blogging again - and I'm looking forward to your new designs!
    Greetings from Lithuania

  4. Hola querida,

    Muy bonitas las flores, y que idea genial...ahora será un recuerdo para toda la vida....


  5. Your roses dried very beautifully with faded colors! Happy to see you again after such a long absence - it was mostly me! Every time when I see your charts on the chart rack at my LNS, it reminds me of how you are doing...

  6. Very pretty. Congratulations on reaching 50!

  7. Happy Birthday, and your roses look amazing! I am big on drying the flowers I get, because I love the look--but sometimes they can be a bit of a mess, with petals falling off, or crumbling. In order to combat this, you simply spray the dried flowers with hairspray--and they wont fall apart anymore, and you can enjoy the memories for much, much longer! I hope this helps, and I love your blog and friendship quilt!
